The top travel blog articles for Barcelona

The best places to get an amazing view of Barcelona for free!

Facts about Barcelona I wasn't aware of!

In photos: Barcelona?s Gothic Quarter

Incredible photos of the Gaudi works in Barcelona

This past March, I visited Barcelona for the first time. As you may recall, I was massively underwhelmed, finding the city dirty, crowded, and expensive compared to the rest of Spain, and even the lovely architecture couldn't lift my spirits. This September, I had a day and a half to spend in Barcelona between TBU ... Barcelona and Me: The Complicated Relationship Continues Read More >>

The mysterious country Andorra wasn't on my original itinerary for Europe this summer. From my launch pad in Copenhagen, I planned to head to Athens, then upward into Albania and through the Balkans until I arrived in Belgrade. In fact, I had no flights booked until two weeks before I arrived! But then after learning that my friend Becki wouldn't ... A Day Trip to Andorra from Barcelona Read More >>

Visiting Girona and Figueres on a day trip from Barcelona, with highlights including the Dali Museum, the Jewish quarter, the spectacular cathedral, the Arabian baths, the colourful river frontage, the statue of the lion that you have to kiss for luck and myriad winding back streets.

If you're looking for a place to party, Barcelona offers that. If you're looking for beaches, check! If you're looking for world-class cuisines, you won't find better in Spain.

There are few better ways to learn about yourself than to travel solo long-term. When you spend lots of time alone in a new and different environment, you start noticing quirks about your personality for the first time -- the little things that make you happiest or irritate the hell out of you. Traveling Asia ... Ambivalence in Rainy Barcelona Read More >>

Barcelona is a very rich city in many aspects. The easiest way for me to describe this would be through the senses.
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