The top travel blog articles for Italy

What's it like for a woman to travel alone in Italy? I've been traveling solo in Italy for 15 years and her are my favorite travel tips to share.

I promise driving in Italy isn't as scary as you think. Here's a guide to safe and easy driving throughout Italy, from Tuscany to Puglia and everywhere in between!

The most famous and beautiful Italy landmarks to witness on your trip to Italy, from the Trevi Fountain to the Amalfi Coast to the Dolomites.

I recently took a three-week trip to northern Italy that blew my socks off. I had an opportunity to attend a conference in Trento in the Trentino region, and I used it as inspiration to plan a trip concentrating solely on the far north of Italy. Concentrating on this part of the country gave me the ... Three Weeks in Northern Italy: a Travel Itinerary Read More >>

These day trips from Florence take you all over Italy, from Tuscan towns to icons like Venice, Cinque Terre and the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

People make a LOT of mistakes when they travel to Italy! Make sure you're not one of them. Here's what to do, where to go, how to eat, and more.

A detailed 10 day Italy Itinerary, with day by day instructions for every destination, information on getting around Italy, accommodation tips + lots more!

There are few countries that I know better or more intimately than Italy. I visit Italy as often as I can, and while this country is forever in my top five favorite countries, it just might be my favorite (!). It's easy to put Italy in a box, to treat it all the same. To ... 11 Things I Learned on My Latest Trip to Italy Read More >>

Why should you travel to Parma, Italy? Because this city is beautiful and colorful and not nearly as touristy as Florence or Rome. And the street life!

Staying at an agriturismo, a farmstay in Italy, is a special and unique experience. Here's how to choose the perfect agriturismo for you.
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